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Linda Aubel (Keane)
Janice Bachrach (Leis)
Elaine (Lainey) Berschler (Brooks)
Terry Borine
Andrew Charne
Charles (Chuck) Connor
Charlie (K. Charlotte) Coyle (C…)
Anne Dando (Oldfield)
Peter Dooley
Kenny Dreer
Louis Fifer
Philip Forbes
Richard Freedland
David Gerson
Margery Goldfarb (Golant)
Phyllis Green (Gross)
Marc Gross
Rodney Joseph
Ellyn Kancher (Klein)
Jill Katzen (Johnson)
Anthony Lefco (Lefco)
Albert London
Bruce Markizon
Doris Mogilefsky (Edelman)
Elisa Pacchione (Reder)
John Patteson
Polly Perkins
Pamela Quinn (Gillespie)
Rhoda Rappeport
Jay Roberman
John Rothberg
Gayle Sernaker (Rosenberg)
Steven Sharpless
Lynn Siekierka (Larrieu)
Rochelle Simon (Silware)
Ellen Stein (Dressler)
Kathy Stern (Sonabend)
Kathy Waxman (Holtzman)
Renee Zeidner (Zeidner)